FAQ Overview
Youtube Error's » Youtube Error's
Fix for Youtube player Error :
Recently many users have started getting this error while trying to play any Youtube video. The error simply says, "An error occurred. Please try again later.", here's a fix for it.

The errror started appearing due to inclusion of "block rule" - https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info into one of the world's most used adblocking list EasyList. So, in short if your adblocker is using this list it will cause the above error to appear. To check you can simply disable your adblocker and REFRESH the page and the video should play. For a proper fix keeping ad-blocking working you need to whitelist the said url in your adblocker. Here is an example for uBlock Origin.
As you can see uBlock Origin is blocking our request to https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info, as shown below (2nd line in red).

We simple need to click the Blocking rule and edit it like shown below to FIX this. Make sure everyting is exactly as shown in setup below.

Author: Administrator
Last update: 2020-03-31 08:33
I recently received a youtube video link regarding a training. But when i open the link the browser like firefox, safari , the Green DOWNLOAD command is not appearing. May i know why?
Access deniedAuthor: Krishnan
Last update: 2021-01-03 07:40
Hi, I already paid for my Pro Vision but still can't activate,
please help me to activate.
Thank you.
Access deniedAuthor: Francis LIm
Last update: 2021-05-01 03:58
please help to activate PRO-vision which I already paid.
Thank you & Best regards,
Francis Lim.
Access deniedAuthor: Francis LIm
Last update: 2021-05-01 06:56
two day ago, the green download button simply disappeared. Before that, it had worked. Now, it not possible to do anything. What shall I do?
Access deniedAuthor: Michael Schied
Last update: 2021-05-09 00:08
I have lost the green Download button on Youtube pages and can't work out how to get it back
Access deniedAuthor: louise
Last update: 2021-05-10 19:23
Tell me how to download VIDs from my favorite cooking channel?
There is no youtube linker in the channels VID, but it must be somewhere?
Access deniedAuthor: LEE BERRY
Last update: 2021-06-18 05:41
Why is the download button is not showing on any YouTube videos. I have a pro membership but it appears to be worthless. I don't mind donating $30 to Mozilla but I feel deceived.
Access deniedAuthor: J.Temple
Last update: 2021-10-09 01:36
Youtube Error's » PRO Registration
How to activate PRO feature using activation key?
Since, v 16.4 activation key feature is introduced and it will be the only way to use PRO features going forward, the old method is no longer supported due to cookie privacy concerns and misuse which results in degraded performance for others users.
1). Make sure you are using the latest addon version - https://www.yourvideofile.org/download.html
2). Open any Youtube URL and use "Settings" option from Download drop-down as shown below.

3). Use your payment email-id (Paypal) as your ACTIVATION KEY and save the settings. MUST NOTE : Make sure there is no mailto:, spaces or any extra characters attached to the payment email when pasting. Also, the email should be exactly as in your payment receipt, small and uppercase letters matters. Also, you need to REFRESH the video page and retry the download after entering the key. Windows XP and users having older Firefox versions need additional steps to make the activation stick in settings as described in steps at bottom of this article.

4). The PRO features should work now, if not do send-in an email to the original payment email with FULL payment confirmation receipt and issue/error details to get support. NOTE: The DONATE button will remain there but all features will get unlocked. Also, make sure you do not share the activation key with others as it will lead to auto-banning of shared key.
FOR WINDOWS XP USERS ONLY -->: Type about:config and then press Enter key in your url bar, search for - webextensions.storage.sync.enabled key, if not there or set to 'false' set to 'true as' shown below. After this resave the key, restart the browser and it will work.

Author: Administrator
Last update: 2023-07-30 07:44
Please advice to activate pro-vision which I already paid,
but still can't download and setting.
Thank you.
Access deniedAuthor: Francis LIm
Last update: 2021-05-07 03:47
please help I forgot my password to login
Access deniedAuthor: Francis Lim
Last update: 2021-10-11 08:11
Please advice above my email is correct?
Access deniedAuthor: Francis Lim
Last update: 2021-10-11 08:16
The Download drop-down list does not appear when I open a youtube video.
Access deniedAuthor: Spenden
Last update: 2021-11-08 16:27